Bee-Bop Buildin'™ Spinning Tunes Activity Table™
Product#: 73540
Released: 2002
Discontinued: 2002
Battery Info: 3-C
Ages: 9 mos. & up
Product Description
This Activity Table has plenty to do, with exciting motion and music, too! Baby can stack Bee-Bop Buildin'™ blocks on the colorful discs, then watch them spin and whirl to lively music. Adding to the excitement, there's even a disc that bounces up and down and one that wobbles side-to-side. Other hands-on activities include beads to bat and turn, a roller ball to spin, a bug with flip-flop wings (with peek-a-boo surprises!) and a drop-through chute for put-and-take play. As baby grows, flip the top over for extra stacking and building fun! Includes 10 Bee-Bop Buildin'™ blocks.