A-Z Storybook
Product#: 87911
Released: 2003
Discontinued: 2004
Battery Info: 3 "AA" batteries
Ages: 18+ Months
Product Description
The A-Z Storybook includes all of your favorite Disney Princesses and 3 fun ways to play! The first mode is identification. Press the button next to the letter "A" and hear "A is for Ariel." Once the child is familiar with all of the objects, she can switch to mode two, which is find a friend. Press the mode 2 button and hear, "Can you find Cinderella?" Everytime the child gets and answer correct, s'll hear a riff of music. Wrong answers will prompt the child to try again. Mode three is a memory game. Press the mode button and hear "Find Belle, Drizilla, Flounder." The game gets harder as the child continues to answer correctly. Endless hours of fun with your favorite friends!