Fisher-Price® Ultra-Lite Day & Night Play Yard
Product#: CHP86
Released: 2015
Battery Info: No Batteries Required
Ages: Play Yard: Use only with a child who cannot climb out and is less than 35 inches
Sleeper: To prevent falls, stop using the inclined sleeper when infant begins to roll over or can pull up on sides, whichever comes first
Product Description
It’s half the weight of other popular play yards for baby (so it’s really, truly portable!), with all the same great portable play yard features as the others, plus more! The inclined sleeper and large, padded play space give baby a comfortable place to nap and play all day. And just like the Fisher-Price® Rock ‘n Play™ Sleeper, baby can sleep all night long in the comfortable inclined sleeper! The soft, inclined sleeper has a supportive seat back, cushioned head support, and three-point restraint to keep baby secure and gently inclined –the way lots of babies sleep best. And the compact changing clutch makes changing baby easy at home or on the go! An easy-clean vinyl changing pad with wipes compartment puts cleaning essentials right at your fingertips. UltraLite Day & Night Play Yard is a cozy place for older babies to rest, relax and play, too. The comfortable, padded play yard mattress keeps the play yard firmly on the floor—and fits any standard-size play yard sheet. Lightweight play yard is easy to assemble and just as easy to fold for take-along or storage, with no loose pieces. Everything fits inside the travel bag to make it easy to store at home or carry anywhere.