Fisher-Price® Ultra-Lite Day & Night Play Yard - Restful Ribbon
Product#: CMH48
Released: 2015
Battery Info: No batteries required
Ages: Play Yard: Use only with a child who cannot climb out and is less than 35 inches
Bassinet: Do not use this bassinet for a child who can roll over or who has reached 25 lb.
Product Description
Take some weight off your shoulders with a portable play yard that’s just half the weight of other popular playpens, with all the same great features, and more.It’s everything you and baby need to play, sleep and repeat —at home or on the go! It’s super lightweight and easy to take down, pop up and pack away in just a few quick, simple steps. The flat bassinet insert gives baby a comfy, cozy place to snooze all night long. Remove the bassinet and it becomes a roomy space for older babies and toddlers to rest, relax and play. Details include a padded mattress and peek-a-boo-I-see-you mesh sides that let you keep an eye on your little one at all times.The Ultra-Lite Day & Night Play Yard is truly a night saver – and a life saver.