Peek-a-Blocks™ Tumblin' Sounds™ Goldfish
Product#: H7062
Released: 2005
Discontinued: 2008
Battery Info: Includes 3-Button Cell Batteries (LR44)
Ages: 6 Months +
Product Description
The Tumblin' Sounds Goldfish is a large fish wide enough for Peek-a-Blocks to be inserted at the top (in a square opening) so that they tumble down inside of the fish and out the mouth, which articulates open. The Goldfish has 4 instrumental ditties activated by a button-cell switch as the blocks tumble into the fish. Blocks tumble out when baby bats at the back fin/tail tipping the fish up and opening the mouth. The Goldfish is orange and yellow pearlescent colored with mylar labels as scales. On the 'top' is a platform for block play. It comes with a sturdy take-along handle, which when used keeps the fish's mouth closed so the blocks remain inside the fish.
The Goldfish comes with 4 blocks: 1. A blue clam that opens and closes as baby shakes the block.
2. A yellow sandcastle with great multi-colored sand rattle beads.
3. A green octupus that gyrates on a spring.
4. A yellow clacking starfish (on an axle within the block) The product is shipped with a pull tab so consumers can activate the sound effects as Try-Me on shelf.