Greetings from Barbie Land! Inspired by Ken's character in Barbie™ The Movie, this collectible Ken® doll wears a head-turning denim look. With his unbuttoned vest and iconic Ken® boxers peeking out from his jeans, he captures all of film Ken's signature style! Celebrating Barbie™ The Movie, this Ken® doll makes a great gift for fans and collectors alike. Doll stand included. Doll cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.
- The Ken-ergy™ is at an all-time high! Take home a part of Barbie™ The Movie with this collector Ken® doll wearing his character’s first-look denim matching set.
- Ken® doll’s all-denim look features an open vest and matching light wash jeans with premium details like contrast stitching, buttons and pockets throughout.
- He is styled just like film Ken with platinum blond hair, an unbuttoned top, and white sneakers. A glimpse of Ken® logo underwear at his waistline adds an extra pop of personality!
- With a posable body and displayable packaging, this Ken® doll makes a great gift for fans and collectors alike!
- Check out the whole Barbie™ The Movie collection for more fantastic gift ideas! Each sold separately, subject to availability.