Apptivity™ Batman™ Dark Knight 3-Pack Bundle
(Starter Pack)
Product#: Y8900
Released: 2012
Discontinued: 2013
Ages: 4+
Product Description
Batman™ is brought to life in new ways on a digital level! The Apptivity™ toy comes with a physical game piece and a free downloadable app (from the App Store).
o Batarang Strike Batman has unlimited Batarangs.
o EMP Assault™ Batman has unlimited EMP blasts.
o Grapnel Attack® Batman has unlimited grapnel blast projectiles.
o Riot Cannon™ Batman has unlimited Riot Cannon projectile blasts.
o The Bat has dual front facing rocket launchers.
Compatible with iPad, iPad 2 and the new iPad.
** Packaging has the following statement printed on it: We (Mattel) reserve the right to terminate digital Apptivity™ applications after September 1, 2014. **