- Playing with InteracTV requires you to insert an activity card into the controller. When inserting the activity card, make sure to point the controller at the DVD player.
If the controller is programmed correctly, the footage on the TV should change when the activity card is inserted. Some DVD players respond slower than others, so give it a second. The wait should be no longer than 5 seconds.
Footage of your favorite TV character will play on the TV. At some point the character will ask the child a question and footage on the TV screen will match the icons on the activity card. Wait for the character to finish asking the question or giving directions.
Then you can input your answer by pressing one of the icons on the activity card. Make sure the controller is pointed at the DVD player when you do this. Your selected answer should light up on the TV screen and the footage should continue.
At anytime you can press either the forward or back arrows to forward to the next section or skip back to the previous section. The green indication light will light up whenever you press an icon or arrow button.
Removing the activity card brings you back to the main menu screen. You can then put in a different activity card and continue playing. An activity card must be in the unit in order for the controller to work.