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Frequently Asked Questions


Press the spacebar as many times as you can before the time runs out.

Single Timing

The pointer moves around in a circle. When it is pointing at the yellow line, click (or press the spacebar). The cloaser to the middle of the line you are, the better your attack will work.

Multi Timing

Same as Single Timing, but there is more than one line to hit. Hit them all for the best results.

Moving Timing

Same as Multiple Timing but the lines move around the circle, not just the pointer. This is the hardest version of the game!


Click all the targets that appear before time runs out.

Shooting Gallery

Hit the targets as they appear. Try to hit the middle for a bull's eye and extra points!


Each Secret Attack has a cooldown time. The cooldown time is how long you have to wait until you can use the attack again. after you use an attack, you will see the icon change to show the cooldown timer. When the cooldown timer disappears, you can use the attack again on your next turn. Secret Attacks have short, medium or long cooldowns.